Hong Kong - a Cosmopolitan City

As Asia’s World City, Hong Kong is a vibrant city and a major gateway to the Mainland China and international markets. With a business-friendly environment, rule of law, free trade and free flow of information, open and fair competition, high quality business and professional services, well-established and comprehensive financial networks, world-class transport and communications infrastructure, low and simple tax regime, and active promotion of innovation and technology development, Hong Kong is an ideal place for enterprises around the world to expand their business.
Hong Kong is an ideal platform for enterprises from Taiwan to enter the Mainland China and international markets
- Through setting up an office in Hong Kong, enterprises from Taiwan can expand their business in the huge Mainland China and international markets.
- The excellent professional services in Hong Kong can help enterprises from Taiwan to explore the infinite business opportunities worldwide. Hong Kong excels at marketing; management and logistics; financial services and banking; legal services, accounting and intellectual property related services; as well as brand management and product development services.
- The unique advantages that Hong Kong offers include the free flow of capital, highly efficient financial services, a robust legal system, efficient dissemination of market information, protection of intellectual property rights, as well as outstanding port facilities and freight services. These together provide excellent support to enterprises from Taiwan doing businesses worldwide.
Enterprises from Taiwan in Hong Kong
In 2020, Taiwan was Hong Kong's second largest trading partner. Over 350 enterprises headquartered in Taiwan have established their footholds in Hong Kong, 28 of which have set up their regional headquarters in Hong Kong. Enterprises from Taiwan in Hong Kong form a diversified group, operating actively in various sectors such as finance and insurance, trade services, electronic products, tourism and hospitality, creative industries, as well as wholesaling and retailing. In recent years, IPU assisted a number of enterprises from Taiwan in setting up their business in Hong Kong. They include, for example, eslite Corporation, Fubon Life Insurance and Cathay Securities Corporation*.
*The list is not exhaustive due to limited space.
Related Links
Websites providing information about setting up a company in Hong Kong
- InvestHK of HKSARG
- One-stop web portal “HKwelcomesU”
- Companies Registry of HKSARG
- Inland Revenue Department of HKSARG
- Immigration Department of HKSARG
- Innovation and Technology Bureau of HKSARG
- Innovation and Technology Commission of HKSARG
- Intellectual Property Department of HKSARG
- CreateHK of HKSARG
- Cyberport
- Hong Kong Science and Technology Park
- Startup Portal “StartmeupHK”
- Smart Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Fintech
- Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
- Brand Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- Hong Kong Productivity Council