Welcome Message
Welcome to the website of the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office (Taiwan) (HKETCO).
The HKETCO commenced operation in Taipei, Taiwan in December 2011. Our main role is to promote economic, trade and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan.

About the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office
As closer ties developed between Hong Kong and Taiwan and based on the agreement between the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Cooperation and Promotion Council (ECCPC) and the Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Cooperation Council (THEC), the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office (HKETCO) was officially established in Taipei on 19 December 2011. HKETCO is committed to promoting economic and trade cooperation as well as cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan, with a view to achieving win-win.
For many years, Hong Kong has established close links with Taiwan in such areas as trade, culture and tourism. Taiwan is a major trading partner of Hong Kong and an important source of foreign direct investment in Hong Kong. A lot of companies from Hong Kong also have investments in Taiwan. Taiwan tourists, who make up a good share of visitors to Hong Kong, love coming to the city. Taiwan is also an ideal destination for Hong Kong tourists. Meanwhile, there have been frequent exchanges and visits between arts and cultural groups in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Following the implementation of “Three Direct Links” and the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in June 2010 between the Mainland and Taiwan, relations between Hong Kong and Taiwan have taken a big step forward. On 1 April 2010, ECCPC was founded, functioning as the counterpart of Taiwan’s THEC. The two bodies were charged to discuss and deliberate public policy-related issues concerning both places. At the same time, to strengthen economic, trade and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan at all other levels, the Hong Kong-Taiwan Business Co-operation Committee and the Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee were formed as the counterparts of THEC's Economic Cooperation Committee and Cultural Cooperation Committee. They together pursue greater cooperation and more exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan in various sectors such as trade, culture and the creative industries.
HKETCO, in collaborating with ECCPC, THEC, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Tourism Board, etc., is set to push Hong Kong-Taiwan relations to new heights.
Structure of HKETCO (Taiwan)
Functions of HKETCO (Taiwan)
HKETCO is tasked to fulfil the following functions –
- to promote economic relations, investment, financial services and business exchanges, etc. between Hong Kong and Taiwan;
- to enhance cultural, education, tourism and other exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan;
- to strengthen cooperation between Hong Kong and Taiwan in areas such as technology, transport, medical services, public health and food safety, etc.;
- to provide assistance to Hong Kong residents in Taiwan to the extent possible;
- to assist in handling matters relating to entry applications from Taiwanese residents where necessary; and
- to provide other relevant services.